You Are Invited To The Empathy Chamber
Sep 10, 2018 | Comments Off on You Are Invited To The Empathy Chamber

Our personal story as women are powerful, especially if we know it through another woman. When two or more meet, there is a fantastic process that happens that is unifying, supportive and allows us the forward momentum we need. We open up and feel joy when we share our stories with someone else. Not only do we share joy but somehow, just knowing we have unconditional love, no shame or blame is empowering. And that’s what I want for you.
I invite you You To The Empathy Chamber.
Tuesday. September 11. 2018
4:00 PM PST
2:00 PM CST
7:00 PM EST
It will last for 60 – 90 minutes depending upon how many are in the group.
We will be talking about “Trust.”
This storytelling time is a free group.
Email me at with your request, and I’ll send you the zoom meeting information.
The power IS in being ourselves, no matter what it takes, no matter how long. I talked with Cindy on a zoom meeting yesterday. She is going through a difficult time with divorce, moving to another space, paying the debt, envisioning the business she wants to have and holding space for self-care. She has taken the necessary steps to change her mindset and heart as she aligns with who she is. She found a job she starts today that allows her the money to move forward, and this job aligns with what she is creating for herself. Movement forward is here for all of us as we expose our feelings and fears and what’s holding us back. When we tell our story in a 1:1 session or in a group, there is power and support for being ourselves.
There is something that goes on as we enter this “empathy chamber.” It is where we feel the horrors of the challenges we have faced, the problems we have overcome and the many emotions that have pulled us out of the logical realm into the emotional one where we meet in our hearts. If we are willing to go there, we find the support we are looking for in ourselves and others because we tell our stories.
We discuss these stories in awe, shock and surprise and the other emotions we have to feel in storytelling. We meet our pain points, the challenges and find we are on a quest to expand our heart and be more of who we are. And that satisfaction and triumph keeps us renewed in the narrative we live every day.
Burn-out happens every day. As women, we give our love to everyone else but ourselves. Self-care gets put in the back seat because our children drive us, our older parents, friends who need our responsive conversations, community, getting food on the table, bills paid, house somewhat cleaned, going to work in a job that may not be all that fulfilling.
Our participation in these ordinary events of everyday life leaves us little time for feeling the emotions and memories of the past and deconstructing the survival layers we have put on to live life. But if we are in a supportive group or a 1:1 session that encourages empathy, we get to see how we are holding ourselves back because we don’t quite believe we can be ourselves.
I’ll see you on the call tomorrow. It’s going to nourish all of us. TRUST ME 🙂