Will You Honor Your Mother?
May 10, 2018 | Comments Off on Will You Honor Your Mother?

We can’t get back our Mother’s Memories once they die. I know this because this is one of my biggest regrets about my Mom is that I never recorded her stories. Thank Goodness she was a poet because I have some of her deepest thoughts in poems, but I don’t have her because I don’t have her stories. I don’t have her memories in books.
Seven years ago when I started this company, I felt no one was listening to me, and I was unheard. I didn’t understand the process of what I had given to my children. I gave my children my heart, and then they were grown and then they were gone.
I felt anger and betrayal because now I had nothing. I had nowhere to turn. So I turned to myself, finally listened to my heart and knew I had to write. And this is why I started this company.
It’s been a long adventure that has entailed my heart and soul and writing. I have no regrets over the struggles and challenges of being an entrepreneur because now I listen to myself. I hear and record my memories and I feel known. In these past seven years, I’ve told my stories to my children. And they are in books, lots of blogs and lots of newsletters.
So when Katie, my oldest daughter, came yesterday to pick up Xavier, we were watching him play, out in the sunshine, out in the front yard. Wondering at bugs and so excited he could turn on the hose and water the plants.
Katie gave me a great big hug and said, “Mom, I love you so much. And truly value you for what you are doing. I feel like I know you better because of what you do. It’s Mother’s Day On Sunday and we have to do something. We have to celebrate Mother’s Day.”
I said, “Well you’re a mother too.” And she said, “Oh yes, but you’re my Mom.” I said, “ Alright. Let’s see what the day calls us to do.” Ame, my second daughter, wants to do something too so if it’s a nice day maybe we can all go to the market. Samantha, my youngest one, is in Canada with her guy and we’ll spend time together next week.
The beauty of writing and getting our stories down is, we don’t have to wonder anymore. We don’t have to feel anger anymore. We are known and validated to ourselves, our children and anyone else who reads our stories.
The price for being known is $197.00. I implore all of us who have stories – be us, mothers or daughters, to hit this link, commit to being known Pay the price and get this done. Once I interview you or your mom, you can have the book in a month. I ask you twenty-five questions and leave you time to talk freely. This interview is your time to be known. It takes an hour. We can break it up into four – 15-minute sessions, two – thirty-minute sessions or one – sixty-minute session. I don’t cut you off at the time limit if you are telling a story because I want your stories recorded. It’s me you’re talking to so we have a personal connection, and you can trust me.
You send me a picture we’ll use for the front cover, one we’ll use for the back cover and ten photos for the inside.
You’ll get a beautiful book. If you order now, you’ll receive two books – one for you and one for your mom. I promise you-you won’t be sorry. When someone tells their story, there is transformation because someone is validating their memories of their life – recording, transcribing and editing them and putting them in a book that is their masterpiece.
I don’t know anyone else who is doing this quite like me because it’s all done for you. All you need to do is tell your stories or have your Mom tell me her stories, and I do the rest.