Will You?
Apr 13, 2018 | Comments Off on Will You?

My brother-in-law had his leg removed above the knee and is in the hospital. He was married to my sister who passed away at the end of January 2016. He never regained his momentum or his desire to live because Linda was his anchor. They live in Ohio. I tried to keep in touch with him, but when someone moves and someone doesn’t respond to your phone calls or emails, you have to “let go.” So last week, his niece posted what has been happening to him. Jim was very sick but would not go to see the Doctor. Finally, Trista coaxed him to go. He was immediately admitted to the hospital because his leg was purple and was not receiving any circulation in this area. Doctors gave him drugs, and that didn’t help. Jim was flown to a larger hospital to have specialists look at him. The only way they could help him was to remove part of his leg to above his knee. There was no other solution. He’s in the hospital until he can go to rehab.
I had had no contact with Jim since a few months after Linda’s death until this week when I wrote on Trista’s Facebook feed that Jim was always in my prayers and I am sending love and light. Jim answered me on Trista’s Facebook page.
I went to NW Ladies In Business Smaller Group last night. I was tired from a full day of work but I showed up. Many times that’s all we need to do, “SHOW UP.” The questions to my answers I didn’t even know I had came in the form of laughter, support and great conversation. The most important take-away was a reminder to be patient with myself and with people who don’t know I’m out here. People need to get to know me before they trust me with their personal needs, wants and desires.
Getting to the heart of who I am is what has taken me the most time to understand. I had to cut through the layers of doubt and unworthiness and let go of past stories I held deeply inside of me. I had to get to know my stories and tell my stories and remember my stories. This process within myself led me to helping people do the same thing with their memories and stories.
The ladies were excited when they understood these books of their stories could be published for so many areas of their lives. They thought my business should be skyrocketing. But now I know, people need to get to know me first so they can trust what I say. And I told the ladies, that’s why
I’ve stopped being an introvert. Believe it or not, Jen Kem’s challenge of doing 30 days of live Instagram or Facebook has been helping me. I went to Jen Kem’s workshop in Arizona and learned that branding your business is branding you so it’s an integration of everything you do. Jen brought me out of my shell and now I’m offering The Write Heart Memory Challenge from April l6 – June 30th. It’s free for anyone who is interested. It’s a place to help people understand how important it is to remember their stories and their memories.
I drove home from this meeting tired and more humbled and started my live streaming on Instagram.
Who shows up but one? That one is Jim. He messages me while I’m streaming and I talk back to him because he is watching me “live.” He says his phone woke him up and he’s glad because he’s happy seeing me and connecting with me again. He apologizes for his past behavior, and I accept his apology and say we’re connected now. Now is the time he can show up for himself and understand his write heart memories. I tell him I’m starting The Write Heart Memory Challenge on Monday and anyone is invited. Jim says he’ll do it. Will You?
The Write Heart Memory Challenge – April 16th to June 30th, 2018.
We’re going to get inside our hearts and create a connection with each other that moves us to the next step of who we are. Anyone can join at any time. Tell your friends, family or co-workers that we are going on a journey and that journey is into the center of our hearts.
This Challenge is Free.
All Are Welcome.
I want to let people know that there is a community for you that is going to help you get to the next phase of your life in a way that is successful, loving and empowers you.
All you have to do is pay attention to watching, listening, reading, laughing and embracing your voice.
Starting Monday, April 16th, 2018.
- My newsletters that come out on Mondays, Thursday, and Fridays will be devoted to this challenge and will include our stories.
- Daily One Live Facebook Event for 15 Minutes 6:00 AM PST
- Daily One Live Instagram Event for 15 Minutes 8:00 PM PST
- A recap of these live events on youtube posted by midnight PST on that day.
I am excited to get to know you and empower you by listening to your voices and being a part of a community that can support you.
Please spread the word that we are going on a journey together.
And it’s to the center of our hearts.