Why walk The Camino de Santiago a second time?
Sep 29, 2014 | Comments Off on Why walk The Camino de Santiago a second time?

Because it’s not as bad as giving birth to children!
That’s what I said to my oldest daughter when she was filming me getting this tattoo in July and asked me if it hurt. I told her it was a little stronger than electrolysis but she’s never had electrolysis so I told her it was nothing like childbirth.
So why do I have this badass tattoo on my forearm now and why am I walking the Camino again within 12 months? Well, it all started 3 1/2 years ago when Corporate decided I was making too much money and fired me. I was the breadwinner but I just had my last daughter to help get through college, the other 2 were out. I was ready to change my life so I did the unthinkable, I took out my 401K early.
So the new story began when I didn’t cancel the already scheduled trip with my youngest daughter to Spain in May. I had taken the other girls to France and Italy so I didn’t want to disappoint Sam. We flew into Barcelona, rented a car and put on over 4,000 miles exploring all of Spain, ending up in Santiago de Compostela because I had read about it in Rick Steve’s book on Spain and wanted to check out this Santiago thing.
I’ve been to Chartres, Notre Damn and the Vatican – an ancient church is an ancient church but nothing prepared me for the waves of emotion I felt upon entering Santiago de Compostela. I sat down and cried. I grabbed Sammy’s hand for support as I found myself translating a language from beyond with dear family members that had passed on and angels that were loving and joyful. Imagine how I felt then when the pilgrims walked in and the mass was said in more than one language and the botafumeiro was swinging back and forth. I knew right then and there I’d be walking The Camino within three years. I bought a shell necklace in a gift shop after we left the church and put it around my neck as a reminder that I would do this.
So I walked The Camino last Fall and had the most amazing experience. It fractured my filters and one big toe nail fell off. Divine thoughts came to me every day during this time and I would write them down. While walking, I realized I was walking to find out why I was lonely. I am happily married with family, friends and a full life. But there was a loneliness in my heart and soul that only I could discover along this way. The Camino helped me to find this out while I was walking as well as when I came home. It wouldn’t let me go.
The Camino de Santiago helped me focus and remember my experiences on The Camino so I could write about it.
First came the boxed set of 365 cards so you could read one thought at a time. It came with a pewter heart stand, shell and carabiner. Then came the book which I finished in July.
Which was perfect timing because I finally figured what tattoo I wanted on my arm.
Look Closely!
You’ll notice that the book cover and my tattoo are similar. This made sense to me to choose as my tattoo. And for all you pilgrims if you walk from Saint Jean up The Pyrenees you’ll see this on a little platform tableau just before you get to Orrison.
So why badass tattoo?
Because I earned my own stamp of approval when I walked The Camino last year and I learned to focus, be quiet and listen so I could complete a writing project for myself and for readers who are interested.
So why walk it a second time?
Because I’m a Badass woman who is whole and healthy. I want to walk, write and be in the present with my Write Heart Memories. I am no longer lonely because I have so many stories to share with you.
Buen Camino!