What Inspires You?
Sep 21, 2018 | Comments Off on What Inspires You?

Life demands us showing up 24/7 and being our best in those hours that never stop coming. Oh, we’d like the demands to stop so we go on vacations, we check out, we go out to eat, we watch tv, we plug ourselves into distractions and fill up time.
And we get sick or somehow fall into disarray because life wants us to be involved and engaged. And yet the world we have created doesn’t seem to fit into a mindset that helps us with the pressure of existence. How do we cope?
Knowing our stories help. I truly believe this because I use my product every day in my mindset, my heart, and my daily actions. It’s tough being an integrated person understanding that life doesn’t care what your accomplishments are, you’re on the same playing field as everyone else. We may be lucky to have created a bubble of protection in our work, home or community but sooner or later that bubble bursts. What are you going to do?
Several people (like me) have gone on a spiritual pilgrimage which completely changes the mindset. But sooner or later, even if you have been a pilgrim or a devout or whatever, we’re back to the same gnawing question of self and how do you get up in the morning and what is your inspiration?
I was pondering this question an hour before I let myself get up. I told you to think of 5 stories for your Write Heart Memory for putting your stories into books. I lay in bed and felt stories within me. So many stories to choose from I felt overwhelmed. So I let go of my overwhelm. Breathed again and my 5 stories sprang from my heart. Once I knew my stories I now know I can recount them anytime. I will record these stories tomorrow and put them in an ebook by Sunday. Then it’s ready to go to print.
My Top Stories?
1. I was four years old when my brother died. The family was together celebrating my Gramma’s birthday and my Mom went in to check on Donnie who was a baby and he was dead. The inspiration? Both my cousin and I saw Donnie’s soul go back to heaven. I close my eyes and remember the sequence of events, and nourish myself with these moments.
2. My Mom’s Mom had rheumatoid arthritis and was sickly. She had a hospital bed, a walker, toilet rails. Granddad was in the basement doing laundry. I was in the dining room practicing the piano. I heard Gramma yell for help. I went to her bathroom, and there she was sprawled on the floor. She had fallen and was bleeding profusely. I wasn’t shocked. I was calm. I told Gramma I’d get Granddad. I called from the stairs for him to call 911 because Gramma had fallen. What does this story mean to me?
I am calm through almost every circumstance.
3. The birth of my first daughter. It was an amazing birth. I had her at home. It was the first time for anything like that. There was pain and the unknown but such joy and love that I was joyous at the outcome. This story inspires me because it was a miracle of love and happiness. It was total and complete. I can trust these feelings. I can trust that I am reborn myself in time and space.
4. The birth of my second daughter. She too was a fantastic birth. And guess what? Another story of rebirth that provides me with energy to keep growing with life. Sure, there is the pain, but there is joy and love and that’s worth it.
5. The birth of my third daughter. She too was an amazing birth. I had been trying for pregnancy and it wasn’t happening. I was going to stop trying because we had been trying for many months. And then it happened, you know what I mean, you let go of working so hard and then it happens. And that’s what happened.
I feel some great energy from even beginning these stories within myself. I breathe deep. Even in this crazy upside down world we live in, I can trust life. My stories matter to me, my family and people who will read these stories because they’re in a book.
Why don’t you give it a whirl?
Write Heart Memory Challenge:
Must Be Done By Sunday, Sept. 23, Midnight PST.
1. The Top Five Memories/Stories You Can Remember NOW. You can also go to your loved ones and ask them. If you get stuck, I’ll email you an ebook that has lots of questions in it.
2. Write your stories down or record them
(I’d record them because it’s easy).
Send the files to me: beth@bethlord.com
3. You pay $49.00 to take the Write Heart Memory Challenge.
Must be paid by Sunday, Sept. 23, Midnight PST.
You’ll Receive:
A. An ebook of your stories by September 30, 2018
B. A printed softbound book between
October 15th – October 30th.