What If Our Future Is Only Tomorrow?
Apr 23, 2018 | Comments Off on What If Our Future Is Only Tomorrow?

It’s a great question to ask because none of us knows when our time is going to happen when we get off this earth planet. And I don’t mean like an astronaut. I am talking death.
This question may leave us a little bit uncomfortable, but if we realize and can accept that our mind and body are going to die, we may create more opportunities to live life in a fuller way.
Ask yourself the following questions:
– Are you satisfied with life?
– What haven’t you done that you would like to do?
– Is there anyone, in particular, you want to reach out to and tell
them you love them.
– Is there any story of yours that you would like passed on to your loved
ones and friends?
Be prepared for this unexpected possibility.
Tell people you love them.
Record your thoughts and feelings in a legacy audio folder.
See every day as a new day because it is.
Take a step into the unknown and see what you discover.
Accept who you are. Love who you are and drink up. Our cups are full of the life-giving air we breathe. So breathe it in and relax. You’re alive.