Jul 25, 2018 | Comments Off on Vulnerability

I called Barbara expecting to hear her tape-recorded message from her late husband that, “ No one is home, please leave a message.” It’s old telephone technology but it comforting for her to have Fred’s voice on the phone. Fred passed in his late 40’s from cancer. Barbara has been living alone ever since. She is remarkable at age 83 because she is blind. I am collecting stories from this person who didn’t think she had any legacy for anyone because she has no children as she said to me at the beginning of our relationship, “Why would anyone want to read her stories?” And my response to that question is, “Are you kidding me? Her vignettes are fabulous and people need to read them in her personal storybook.” I have grown to love this woman and treasure her immensely. We get together once a month, and I tape record what we are saying. It’s rich in conversation because she is curious and a life learner. She doesn’t feel sorry for herself either. She went blind at age twenty-seven and had to give up being a concert pianist and her double Ph.D. thesis for Music and English Literature. She is an energizing force, and her stories ignite inspiration and motivation.
She picked up my telephone call, and I was able to talk to her before her Taxi picks her up. She’ll be in Swedish Hospital for three hours to see if there is a further action that needs to happen on the abnormal results that came back from her routine breast exam. Outside of her eyes needing constant medical attention from the Glaucoma that left her blind with no warning, this concern leaves her vulnerable.
We laughed at both of us being so vulnerable today. Barbara has a hearty laugh, and I do enjoy listening to people story tell. Her stories matter. They matter to me and someday maybe to you when I get them in a book. But for today, I’m asking you to send prayers to Barbara. I hope the test was a fluke and she doesn’t have to do anything.
And if I can be so bold as to ask you to look at my Indiegogo Campaign, I’d appreciate that too. I know the worst that can happen is I don’t get funded in these 30 days. What I do know, is that I am willing to risk being vulnerable and growing by asking your support so my company can evolve. I keep learning every day that no one can read our minds or our hearts if we don’t express ourselves so that is what I am doing and I am asking you to take action.
This company keeps teaching me so much about self-expression, communication, and connection with each other that I believe in the power of our storytelling. I have put my heart in this company so you know you can put your heart into your books, your storytelling as a unique living legacy of self-expression.
So I’ve hit the launch button, I’m asking for your participation, and now I can finish writing Elena’s stories and get that in for publication approval knowing my comfort zone has expanded.
Thank you for being a part of my world and reading these newsletters. I want you to know no matter what, you mean the world to me.