Teeter-Totter or Swings?
Oct 9, 2018 | Comments Off on Teeter-Totter or Swings?

Storytelling Systems That Invite Your Stories Into A Book. We use words, pictures, feelings, a quote, a question in a brief movie to help you remember your story.
The Word (s): Teeter -Totter or Swings.
Picture: Teeter -Totter and Swings.
Feelings: Joy
Quote: “Don’t you wish you could take a single childhood memory and blow it up into a bubble and live
inside it forever?” – Sarah Addison Allen – Lost Lake
A question: What playground equipment gave you joy as a child?
My story: Recorded and Then Transcribed.
Movie: Watch Zoom Movie On Youtube
Google Docs- – Voice Notepad Transcribed My Recording
Teeter- totter or swing? Come on close your eyes. You’re young at the playground. What is the first piece of equipment you choose? Immediately my heart and mind see me on a teeter-totter. I loved getting with a friend and having this experience where I’m seated, and I use my feet to push me up in the air, and then they do the same while they’re on the ground, and they go up, and I come down. We keep this going until we are tired. I can see myself in various playgrounds but really what I’m remembering is the joy. The joy of being up in the air and then my feet touching the ground and then I’m up in the air, and then I’m down on the ground. It’s Joy. The feeling is joy and happiness. It feels good to remember.
I see myself on a swing. Maybe one of those little wooden swings so that you can’t fall out. There’s two sidebars and a front bar. There are chains you lift the front bar up and down on so you can get in and bring the bar back down. I’m protected. I’m being pushed. I love this up-and-down experience of going up in the air frontwards and then backward. I go up in the air and then back in the air. And then I’m an older child swinging on my own. I see my legs pushing and pumping me up in the air and then back down. Pushing them up and then back down. Joy!
Was it the teeter-totter, swing or some other playground experience that gave you Joy?
Most Important
If this sparks a memory in your heart worth keeping then write it down or
record it and put it in a particular folder so you can find it anytime.
or Pay $3.50 if you want me to hold on to them and we can make a book when you want.
ALSO – Extending The Diamond Package Interview Special from $585.00 to $197.00 Why? I want you to have your stories in a book for you to feel and touch because that would be the best word-of-marketing I could ever have. See this blog for more information. This is my Holiday Special until December 31, 2018, when this type of pricing is going away forever. If you want to get the book before the holidays then the interview needs to be completed by Nov. 5th and the final proof with me has to be done by November 15th.