Sipping On My Coffee
Mar 2, 2018 | Comments Off on Sipping On My Coffee

I’m a woman. I’ve raised children. I’ve been a therapist. I’ve been assertive as well as passive. I’ve played many roles, and the result is wholeness. And in my business, I’m doing the same thing. My company is in my home, but I can run it anywhere because we can Skype, Zoom and telephone calls. You can come to my Yurt and tell your story. The storytelling process can be done anywhere if you have a listener. I am a listener.
I am sipping on my coffee in my kitchen. Bone broth chicken soup is cooking on my stove top for my girlfriend who was in the hospital with diverticulitis. Her doctors recommended that she have some broth for the next few days. Kim texted me to see if I had any in my freezer (she knows I usually have some) but I didn’t have any because I gave my last batch to Elthea who is undergoing chemo. It was simple enough to run out to the store and get a few more chickens, and so I did that. Bone broth needs twenty-four hours, so all the nutrients go into the soup. The soup will be ready when Jim, Kim’s partner, picks it up at noon. She got home from the hospital this morning.
I see an empty vase that held flowers my husband gave me for Valentine’s Day. They lasted quite awhile, but I had to recycle them this morning. The memory of the flowers and that day linger.
I am sipping on my coffee. I am in my home. I bought this home as a single Mom almost eighteen years ago with three kids to finish raising. My husband, who wasn’t my husband then, agreed to rebuild the home. Flashbacks to the many times Grant had to go to the city planners and get permits, the geothermal pilings and earthquake stabilizers we had to put in and all the running back and forth to Home Depot, Lowe’s, Wood Stores, Plumbing stories and tile stores.
This house has seen three teenage kids coming and going with their lives, Grant and me merging with ours and a hectic time working as a therapist and as a sales rep. I remember the soccer games, the musical performances, and the graduations.
I see we have created more space, beauty, and harmony in our home. It’s taken awhile to build this home because it’s our unique flavors. I bring this up to you because things that are worthwhile take time to craft. Your stories are happening now, and they occurred in the past, and they are going to continue in the future. The storytelling elements of life are endless. They require just a little bit of pause so you can see all the flavors of the bone broth in your stories. I have gone through many adjustments in how I craft a story so I can be timely, thoughtful and personal in getting your stories to you.
The important thing is: you do this. I tape recorded these thoughts on Wednesday. Yesterday’s blog and newsletter didn’t go out because I wrestled with tech problems for three hours. Let it go. So today, sitting down and listening to the recording, I’m adapting what I said so it’s a better read. The memories are there so I can be flexible in how I am formatting the recall. So I want to tell you that you can do the same thing.
The crafting and ways we tell your story have been established. This process took time. So now, you can tell your story or someone else’s story, or you can have other family, friends, clients, and customers tell their story. Either way, the books are marvelous because the flavors of your bone broth have mingled with time to produce the nutrition and love that’s in the bones of a good story.