Jul 9, 2018 | Comments Off on Precious

I snuck downstairs at 3:30 in the morning. What am I doing up at this hour? Besides wanting to finish Rose’s book so that her son could proof it. Besides writing my blog | newsletter for this morning, I had to go outside to see. I had to. I disarmed my house alarm. I let Stubby Wubby; my big fat Grandfather cat hobble outside for a little bit of fresh air. He doesn’t roam too far and trusting that the coyotes wouldn’t get him because that’s always a factor. Locked the door and then went to the back door and opened it up.
I snuck outside to the back part of the porch which is Grant’s workshop space. I wondered in worried tones if she would be there. And, she was there.
I breathed a sigh of relief and went back inside of the house.
About a week ago today, I discovered there was a tiny, little bird building a nest on my back porch near the dog bowls on a baker’s shelf. I moved it to the back part of Grant’s work table so no creatures could hurt the nest. There were then four eggs. One baby bird came along. And then two baby birds came along. Another one and the last one hatched yesterday.
It’s a miracle – so precious that it catches at my throat and fills my heart with joy because it’s life beginning anew. For some reason, this little bird decided that she would make her home on my back porch.
I try very hard not to disturb her because she has her work cut out for her. She’s keeping her babies warm so they can grow their eyes, wings, feathers and be nourished by her. It’s more than a sight for sore eyes; it’s beautiful. And it’s precious. I take pictures and video of this remarkable event. I record my feelings. And now, it’s 3:45 and I have saved a Write Heart Memory®, and it didn’t take very long.
I can transfer my emotion to you in a story. If we don’t record, then we have to spend the time in our mind trying to feel. But our mind doesn’t feel. And it does everything to block our feelings because they aren’t logical. But the gift of who we are is our feelings; expressing emotions that are coming up for us in our heart, the place of creativity, inspiration, and motivation.
One of the best ways to describe our feelings and our emotions is in a story.
What is precious besides watching this mother hatch her birds and seeing them grow up?
It’s your stories. Record your feelings of stories when they are happening and put them in a folder. It makes remembering, transcribing and editing an easy method to tell a story.