Jul 2, 2018 | Comments Off on Missing

I have the Nextdoor App and Sharon posted,
Six Days Ago:
“Last night, my neighbor’s gardener’s kitty decided to go on a walkabout without his collar before the big thunderstorm. He is still not back, and she is distraught. It is not like him to wander away from where she is working. His name is Dula, and he is a big brown 15-year-old tabby. If you see him and cannot reach Teresa, please message me.”
I responded by saying:
“Hope you find Dula. Let us know when you do.”
Roxanne said:
“He’s still around. Just afraid. Sit outside calling his name. Don’t leave any food out!”
Sharon said:
“Thanks for the advice. Will let you all know in the morning if he turns up tonight.”
Anna said:
“ I live a block away from you. Not to alarm you, but my cat was killed by coyotes Wed. night. I found out by knocking on doors and calling him through the garage and shed doors. A neighbor found him.”
Sharon said:
“Wow, that’s awful. I am so sorry for your loss.”
I posted my story about Tiny, my husband’s black cat that he brought here when he married me and moved in who was also killed by coyotes. It happened in my neighbor’s yard, and she came over to tell me.
Five Days Ago
Sharon put up flyers, and I encouraged prayer.
Four Days Ago
Jennifer thought she saw a similar looking cat. Mary-Lynne posted again to expand the search to neighboring areas in case he wandered into another neighborhood. I put out there, “Please Dula, come home.”
Two Days Ago
Sharon said there’s no Dula, but there are enough leads in a small enough area to keep looking. Keep the leads coming.
Nine Hours ago
Mary-Lynne reported that a neighbor discovered a coyote had taken Dula.
Teresa is upset but wants to thank everyone who helped look for Dula and appreciates their efforts.
I replied: “I am so sorry for Teresa’s loss. Can you see if she’d like a gift of Dula? I put people and their pet stories and memories into books, and I’d love to do this for her as a gift. It’s a transformative process when they talk about their animal, and then they have a book. Please let me know, or I’ll give her a call this afternoon. “
I am praying and writing. It seems this is the best use of my time.
Have a safe day out there.