Labor Day Weekend Special
Aug 31, 2018 | Comments Off on Labor Day Weekend Special

I want you telling your stories to me and experiencing how remarkable they turn out in a book because no matter how many memory storage boxes we have of our photos, videos and audiotapes our memories won’t be remembered. We need a system that allows us to recognize the joy and love we have experienced in our lives. That’s what I have created, a system that allows you a personal guide into your write heart memories, so we get a fantastic book for you in a short amount of time.
My Labor Day Weekend Special is for anyone who commits to the power of their stories in books. Pay $400.00 (a savings of $185.00) now, and I’ll have your book by December 15th, 2018 for you and your family. Here are the steps involved.
#1. Pay Here.
#2. I will email you a book or mail you your storytelling workbook that will be
the guide we use to tell your stories.
#3. We choose a day and time to have a zoom meeting, and we start talking
about what you have filled out in the storytelling workbook.
#4. After we have finished these sessions, I turn our work into a proof that gets
sent to you in the mail, so you have a chance to make corrections.
#5. We’ll go over the proof together and finalize the revisions.
#6. You’ll receive your completed book within a month.