It Is The First Day
Apr 17, 2018 | Comments Off on It Is The First Day

It Is The First Day
(Edited Transcript)
Good-Morning, it is the first day of my Write Heart Memory challenge. I have butterflies in my stomach because I’m a pretty private human being and yet I need my tribe of people and the only way I’m going to get my tribe of people is if you know me.
So just to let you know, we are doing this Write Heart Memory Challenge together. I will do this every day on Facebook Live Streaming at 6:00 AM and 8:00 PM – Pacific Standard Time on Instagram. Then I’ll recap it on Youtube. I am setting up an account at Patreon where I can provide you with extra information and other videos if you are interested.
I think the most important thing for me is that in telling my stories and learning my stories I’ve become more integrated as a human being and I trust myself more. And I want to share how to do this with you.
It used to be that I ran around like a chicken with my head cut-off; always pleasing. Always wanting to be that good little girl who never made any fuss. That’s how I was brought up, but I’m also a natural people pleaser. I love pleasing people. But I also love being alone, and this is important, primarily if you write. My writing is my passion.
I don’t know what your passion is but that’s what we’ll figure out in these days you join me.
Seven years ago I left Corporate. Well, I was forced out, but I knew I’d come back as a consultant. And I have. But back then, I took a leap of faith to become myself. For twenty-five years+, my main focus was raising my children. But my children were grown, and I could focus on me. It was time to write.
My writing led me on this amazing journey into myself. Now you don’t have to know all of my adventures. But you will understand some of these hurdles I jumped over in writing my books and being an entrepreneur that I share in these live streams, youtube and books I write.
This phase of my life has been a big deal. I’ve learned how to connect me to my emotions, my mind, my body, my heart and my soul. This company developed out of this journey. Of realizing how important it is to know our stories and to chronicle our stories and to get them back to us in such a way that we benefit. Our families and friends benefit. And the community benefits when we share our stories. I am sharing what I’ve learned on this journey.
The art of storytelling is necessary to our whole brain. We crave it. We live on stories. We consume stories. We need our stories. The stories that are the shadow (subconscious, dark, not-so-nice) and our conscious stories also. Combining these elements make for a great story and book because we are like this. We relate to the hero. And then we have our daily stories and family legacy stories that get passed down from generation to generation, but these stories get forgotten or watered down when we forget the story or the person whose story was it, is no longer around to tell it in their voice.
Once you die, your voice dies. We have pictures. We have videos and things like that, but your voice speaks your truth. It speaks your heart. And it speaks your soul. All the good of that, all the bad of that, all the mysteriousness that lays within us.
We are our own best guides. We have wisdom deep in our hearts. It’s a matter of getting to the heart and trusting what our hearts have to tell us. Our mind is filled with our beliefs, our cultures and negative chit-chat about how we need to be performing in a certain way and not our way.
If we don’t voice our opinions and our thoughts to ourselves, then we can’t do it with other people and have a healthy energetic boundary flow between our inner and outer worlds.
Write Heart Memories is cataloging and chronicling your voice, your thoughts and your stories. You can do that for yourself. You can gift it to someone. It can be your creative endeavors. Write Heart Memories is really the heart and soul of who you are. Even if you don’t know who that is right now, even if you’re questioning your truth that’s okay because we’re all after being ourselves in this world.
And that’s a scary proposition.
I’ve been exploring what I’m asking people to do in storytelling for seven years. Tried, tested and should have given up a long time ago. But I can’t give up. I need your stories as much as you need your stories. Our stories nourish us.
I don’t want to be a ghostwriter, and I don’t want to spend three years on your book. I want to get to the heart of your stories so that they’re easily published.
I have found this Write Heart Memory way for anyone who is interested. I do this by listening to you. We can do it for forty minutes. We can do it for one hundred and twenty minutes broken down into shorter timeframes. You can order extra minutes for more time. I am revising my packages to reflect how unique this offering is because it includes the how-to of storytelling, the storytelling process and keeping these write heart memories in audio files and putting them in a book.
So Write Heart Memories is all about chronicling you. We are crafting your ongoing transformation in your life, and this is a process and your work of ART. You are a masterpiece. And you are worthy of knowing this.
Today, I want to start with the most important thing. And that is, you made it here on planet earth and are living. As Joseph Campbell would say, this means you are a hero. You are a hero. You made it through – from the womb to the outer part of this planet. It’s challenging, very challenging at times but that’s because we’re letting go of layers of who we think we are and becoming more of who we are.
Being birthed is important for anyone no matter how old or what phase you are living.
I would like you to take some time for the birth of you.
If you have a smartphone, it’s easiest to record this information. When we write, we get hung up on words and grammar. We’re not fluid. I want you to be as fluid as possible when you are talking about your birth. Once the audio is transcribed, you have plenty of time to edit.
You can skip your birth story if it’s painful and come back to it when you can. Start off with a birth that is memorable for you. I can talk about all three of my daughters’ births, my grandson’s birth and the grandchildren’s births from my husband’s daughter.I remember them distinctly. These are great memories for me to strengthen my storytelling abilities. I am comfortable with talking about their births.
What about my birth? My birth is filled with anxiety from my mother and not knowing if she could handle a second child. It’s all about her not trusting her instincts. She wanted to breastfeed, but my father thought that was an embarrassment and too sexual. So she never attempted it.
I was a bottle fed baby on Dr. Spock’s advice. Sounds like Star Trek but he was anything but logical and innovative. You had to give your babies a specified amount of formula at each feeding, and that was it, even if they were hungry. It wasn’t natural at all.
I always felt like I was too much of a burden on my family. There was my older sister, Linda and me. I knew I was an intruder. I could feel my mother’s stress. And so I came into this world with a great deal of fear and anxiety. You can see though, in the slides my Dad took that I am also happy. I remember that I was a force to reckon with and wanted to set the world on fire and at the same time, I was also very insecure. I wasn’t comforted in a warm way by my mom. Neither by her nipple or by cuddling with her. She smoked cigarettes, and I have vague, very vague memories of me not liking that smell and pulling away from my Mom instead of being drawn in closer to the woman who gave birth to me.
Today, for our write heart memory it is about birth. The newness is apparent in a birth. The unique breakthrus we have at birth and many times throughout life. It’s just whether or not we notice our transformation and pivotal points. If we have them in story form and book form, it is much easier to see our way. Wrap that all around the fact you’re already a hero. You ARE a hero. Your energy on this planet is needed by you, by the people you interact with and the world around you. We’re all part of this universal life energy. Every drop is precious. And if you’re a drop and I’m a drop, then we’re worthy and valuable to life.
Our stories affirm what we need to hear giving each other courage to keep learning about who we are. If anything I’m trying to sell you, it’s you. I work on your stories, and I edit them with care and concern because we need these heartfelt stories. I am asking you to believe in your heartfelt stories.
So today, as you go about your daily activity, breathe deeply, pause – stop the mind chatter, especially if it’s negative. Put your hands on your heart and be quiet for a minute, two minutes. We all can afford one minute, two minutes. Feel your heart beating. That’s you inside. You. You’re marvelous. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.
I am so excited to be doing this. I have no idea what I’m going to discover with The Write Heart Memory Challenge. You don’t have any idea what you’re going to find. But we’re going to connect and while you’re thinking of stories, please record them on your smartphone and put them in a folder so that we can chronicle the journey together. These files are going to be your write heart memories. I am sending you lots of love and lots of light today. It’s going to be busy out there.
But what I know to be true is that our stories nourish ourselves and each other.
Day One. The Write Heart Memory Challenge.
I believe in you. I believe in your stories. Thank -you for participating in this. I’ll be on Instagram at 8:00 PM tonight, and I’ll recap it on Youtube. Have a good day.