I Am Beauty & Grace
Mar 22, 2018 | Comments Off on I Am Beauty & Grace

Do you realize the silent words and thoughts you form in your mind whirl around in greater life to become part of our physical world?
This silent, non-conscious stream of storytelling creates reality.
Try to catch yourself in the act.
I am tired.
I am broke.
I am angry at having to do this or do that.
I am best noticing these silent stories in the time before I get up. But I have these quiet, non-conscious streams of storytelling going on frequently.
The other day my go-to replacement phrase, when I catch myself in this wave of silent storytelling, was I am space and beauty. This replacement phrase seems acceptable to both my subconscious and conscious. I relax and move about in my day because I am space and beauty.
These phrases are short and powerful energizers. What’s your go-to phrase? Feel free to use mine.