How To Loosen Your Corset
Mar 26, 2018 | Comments Off on How To Loosen Your Corset

It is obscene that there is just way too much to do in daily life. But the running hamster wheel and treadmill metaphor don’t necessarily hit the nail on the head either in describing our daily life because the energy of life is dynamic and automatically pulls
us into that dynamic flow. We have a difficult time understanding and accepting this mystery that works it’s way into our day amidst time management, economic, spiritual and emotional pressures and one’s corset of perception that is hard to loosen.
But if we loosen this corset that is made up of hypocrisy and humanity, the whirling dervish of mystery and energy unleashes and that power can change perceptions and create miracles.
WE loosen this corset with our “letting go” as well as holding on to our stories. We do this by telling them, documenting them and objectifying them in our books.
“Laura loses her husband at fifty-nine. He was her high school
sweetheart, and now this funnel of electricity and love has gone
into a different dimension. Laura posts this on one of my Facebook
groups. I give her my words of condolence, support and love but what
else can I give but a story of her husband that I never captured.
Elsie, my indoor cat, was found perusing the front flower box
as I pulled up the driveway. Quickly and calmly I got out of the
car to grab her and put her inside. This loss would have been
My daughter and son-in-law went to Tokyo for three full days and
two half days. My time watching my grandson was joy and
exhaustion in every moment because my perception radically
changed as my awareness altered during these days. I was
consumed by Xavier in a splendid way. But I felt also, in this corset
of mine loosening, a lifetime of loving children who are grown.
I have written down many of these memories, but the trick is getting
them into a book format and publishing them so I can remember
these stories any time I want. But if I can do this for myself, I too
unleash the power of my memories that can nourish me now.
Talking to my middle daughter several times about her love story
that has been slowly unfolding from dramatic to a healthy
domesticity over the past three years. Counselors, life coaches, and
many challenges. But talking to her, really listening to her so she
can uncover the root of her anxiety. That anxiety is just the sadness
it takes to feel our perceptions grow and change. That’s our
responsibility. She can’t change her partner’s patterns, but she can
choose her internal and external responses to the stimuli. So she
simply admitted she was sad. I said, “Can you feel that and let it
guide you to supporting you?” It’s a call-to-action for her to change
her narrative. So she could take action, her corset of perception
loosened and she had a happy ending last night.”
Wait a second, I remember now the stories I was going to tell about my cats wanting to watch over the little one. I saw it in my mind’s eye as I was laying down with Xavier to help him go to sleep. I crafted the beautiful children’s story in no time at all. The trick is getting it down on paper so I can read this story in the future. Our stories, big and small, significant and insignificance deserve the pomp and circumstance of any book published in print even if we are the only ones who read them. Remember, our corset can be loosened in our daily grind if we tell our stories and have the good sense to remember them because we have written them down or we have recorded them.