How Are Stories To Be Discovered?
Mar 19, 2018 | Comments Off on How Are Stories To Be Discovered?

People join Book Clubs, go to Oprah’s book list or sign-up for Medium. Many times friends or business clients or business associates will tell you they’ve just read a good book and so you jot it down so you can get it sometime. You do searches on search engines whenever you are in the mood to read something.
But where can you go to find a good book that takes maybe an hour to read that is going to inspire and motivate you? I think we begin with you and your write heart memories. I define Write Heart Memories® as the life essence of you and your life, so you have an endless amount of subject matter and choice.
What I suggest you start with is the story that is calling you right now. The story you want to remember because there is emotion. The story could be painful, and yet you’ve moved beyond that pain. If could be joyous like a wedding, a birthday or birth. It could be self-discovery. It could even be something that started as something with little insignificance that grew into a pivotal game changer in your life.
As a writer, editor and publisher, I’ve figured out that forty minutes to 120 minutes, answering twenty-five questions or writing a story that has 6500 words to it, makes it an exceptional reading experience. So Beth Lord is where the Write Heart Memory Community lives. It is a platform that is slow, stable and steady in gathering your stories, so you know this place exists. The exchange is that you write a story and publish it with your name or anonymously so that others can read your story and you can read other people’s stories in the same way for inspiration, motivation, and connection. Once it’s in the community, then you, who read my blogs and my newsletters, will know that you are the source of these inspirational books and you are also the reader of reading these inspirational books.
I know that this is a worthy endeavor and I continue to engage and involve you because your stories are the ones I want. Our stories come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Once discovered how easy it is to write these books, our community grows.
But remember, stories are to be discovered and getting “shout-outs” from other readers helps. Many participants who wrote in Once Upon A Swan Song didn’t see the attached ebook to the email sent them. Katie, one of the participants, wrote the following a few days later so that even these writers can discover what they wrote in their group book.
“In case you didn’t see it (I missed it too) Beth includes a
PDF attachment of the book at the bottom of this email in
which we participated in for Bernice’s Birthday. The book is
gorgeous. Truly, it is a beautiful once in a lifetime gift. Don’t
forget to open this attachment because it’s the book. Everyone’s
memories are different and unique; I teared up multiple times
recognizing how much grandma has meant to all of us.
Tremendous thanks to Beth for spending many days compiling
this gorgeous gift and my love and greatest thanks to each of
you for your participation. I hope each of you are well and send love.”
~ Katie Z.
So how are stories to be discovered? One simple place is reading these newsletters and going to Write Heart Memories®.