He Died In The Palm Of My Hands
Jun 22, 2018 | Comments Off on He Died In The Palm Of My Hands

I wrote about my husband finding then little bunny the other day. I called Grant this morning. I’m on the ferry going to my last day at school, and he’s on the way to see the dentist.
I ask him, “How are you?.” He says the little bunny died in his hands this morning.” He’ll bury him when he gets home. He’s never had to bury an animal at the farm. He’s sad. I’m sad. But I’m also glad I wrote about this little bunny so I can remember her always. She gave me joy, love & happiness the brief time I knew her. ~ Beth Lord
writeheartmemories My husband is at the farm because he mostly likes being alone and not being bothered. Don’t ask me how we work the time apart. But anyway, he found this little bunny alone last night, no Mom around. He looked for her but couldn’t find her.
Grant put on gloves and picked her up with a shovel so she had no human smell on her and moved her to the porch so she’d be safe from the coyotes .
There was a storm in the middle of the night but Grant slept through it. When he woke, the little bunny was gone. He walked all around the farm house but couldn’t find her. The day wore on. Just as Grant was getting ready to go in after sundown he spotted a dark thing in the grass, opposite side of where he found the bunny yesterday. It was her. She had returned.