Jul 13, 2018 | Comments Off on Eavesdropper

I work intensely in creating and writing, managing and wearing many hats as a small business entrepreneur. How do I energize myself?
I go to one of my favorite neighborhood restaurants two to three times a week. I need a break, and it’s not too far to drive, and the traffic doesn’t suck to get there and back to my workspace in my home. This break is an improvement to me compulsively working in panic mode and feeling like there isn’t enough time during the day. We all feel like that right? I want time to work for me, so I make nourishment a priority. Novel concept right? Well, when I was younger, I never ate. I ran on fumes.
I say, “good-bye” to my animals, set the alarm and lock up. I do this at different times of the day because each day is different. All I do is commit to the process because my little vacation starts the moment I walk out that door.
I drive to the restaurant. I like my drive. It’s visually appealing to me, and I feel nurtured. I don’t go at peak times that way the place is mostly empty. I have a favorite booth, and I sit at where that one entire street side is open. I mainly like The Reuben or The Fish Tacos. I do try other items, but those seem to be my favorite. I order and sit back. I haven’t brought anything to do. I give my mind a complete rest. I do this by listening to the cars drive by and or counting them. And then I hear the ambiance of conversations mingling in the air and falling on my ears.
I am an eavesdropper. I hear many fun phrases, “my family was slaves six generations back, and the white slave owner had his way”, “we rented our apartment, and we thought we were giving you the bedroom with the double bed but we have to give you the room with the single bed, you’re okay with this right?”, “they found him taking a nap after he missed most of the meeting.”
The delight comes in letting the conversations go in and out of my mind. I pick up what my ears want me to pick up, and that’s it. Soon, that part of the conversation will leave me entirely and the talks all blend together with the street sounds while I focus on eating a great meal.
I finish up, pay for my food and leave out the front door so I can thank the bakers and the wait staff. Much as I’d like to scurry right out the opened street side through cafe tables, I feel this is not the proper way to say goodbye to a place that has given me some renewed energy.
I get in my car and drive back to my home and my office in my house so I can continue my workday.
Eavesdropping helps me with the afternoon slugs. What about you?