Did you know today is International Women’s Day?
Mar 8, 2018 | Comments Off on Did you know today is International Women’s Day?

I did not know this. Seven years ago I was “pushed” out of my cushy corporate pharmaceutical sales position. The new male area business manager could look good, and my male district manager could replace me with his good ‘ole buddy from Montana who wanted to bring his family to Seattle, had for thousands less than what I was getting paid.
I felt shame. I had never been fired before. So I took the guilt with me. I told the sadness, anger, and depression as well. I also took the opportunity to learn who I was as a person and not define me by the all-consuming roles I played. I took all of my investments, retirement money, refinanced my home twice and credit card support in order to bring you my company and provide reasonable costs for storytelling, story sharing and building a simple and supportive community that has deeper connections in the heart.
I didn’t know how long this would take me. If I had known all the pitfalls, I would not have taken this challenge. But the beauty of doing something that comes from your heart is that you do it.
You take it one step at a time and just do it.
So, seven years, I’m up and ready to be your writer, your curator, editor, and storyteller so that your stories can be inspirational and motivational for you and other women and men who are going to read your stories in a book. I know you ARE amazing.
Because I want to celebrate YOU, I’d like to send you a pdf of any or all of these journals I sell on my website. Just let me know which journals you want, and you have them. Have a marvelous day being you. Hugs, love, and light.
- Self-Care Question & Answer Journal
It’s the start of peeling the layers of who you are as an authentic person and
accepting the essence of you. You become more accepting because you are
caring for yourself.
2. My Secret Journal
It’s a journal for you with 5 different steps for you to figure out your
independence between chatter, clutter, feelings, fear and love.
3. Points of Consciousness from The Camino
Step-By-Step Inspiration, Motivation & Momentum
Go on a journey in this reading and writing journal that’s thin, light-weight
and filled with questions for you to answer for your inner reflection and
clarity while offering inspiration and motivation too. It’s 56 pages that should
not be left behind on any spiritual pilgrimage or quest. The book was
inspired when Beth walked The Camino deSantiago from France to Spain in
4. A Playbook Between The Memory Challenged Client & The Caregiver
• User-Friendly.
• Motivating and Engaging for The Client and The Caregiver.
• Spark Inspiring Memories.
• Involve whole brain participation.
• 50 Lessons to affirm and nourish
~ the human brain, body, heart & soul.
• Supports a healthy narrative.
This book was developed for applicable use for people who have memory care issues as well as for anyone else. It’s a book to use in everyday life for anyone who needs to strengthen their memory. ~ Beth Lord, OTR/L, GCFP5. Inspiration – Remembering Who You Are (Not Pictured)
Structure a journal that helps a person when someone they love dies. Make
it a 130-page gem of a book that gives the person a way to write (before
they forget), the treasure chest of words, sayings, stories and memories of
this loved one. Leave room at the end of the book to journal and what you
end up with is Inspiration – Remembering You, the current of his or her life
kept alive.