Did You Do It?
May 17, 2018 | Comments Off on Did You Do It?

Have you recorded stories you want to remember? You know we all have at least one good story. The legacy is important to remember. It is best remembered in a book because you can flip through the pages and remember the specific parts of these experiences. The heart of the stories is in these books.
And no, you may not have the time to transcribe, edit and format them in a book. But if you have recorded these stories, you can extrapolate the goodies when you have the time. It is much easier to go off the recorded memories then to scratch your head over and over to remember the tidbits of information you thought you were going to remember if you sit down to write about it. The writing process is overwhelming and daunting. Many people never complete their stories because of this reason whether the stories are beautiful and loving or painful and suffering.
When we record these stories, we have an opportunity to go back in time to reflect and then move forward knowing we are heroes. We have dared to move forward, and here we are.
Participation in the story of our life is a great thing. We can be a witness to our life. And when we have the opportunity to turn our recorded stories into a book,
we get to be an objective participant in reading this story, and this is impactful.
It helps us get that we are amazing. When people say to you, “You have an amazing story, you should write a book,” what they are saying is YOU ARE AMAZING. Please take a bow. Pat yourself on the back. You are a wonder in this world. Who better to feel this than you, your legacy and people who are going to read your story.
We can forget about being a narcissist, or an egotist. What I am saying is if we strip away our roles and our protective mechanisms, we find more of who we are and give thanks that we’ve made it this far. And we survived and thrived. Can we give ourselves some credit? We give ourselves credit when we sit around the imaginary campfire and tell our stories. And we need this!
We have the breadcrumbs of the stories we have lived, the stories others have told us and the stories we have going on now. These breadcrumbs and tidbits of stories, give us the pathway of self-acceptance, self-discovery, and self-realization. When we know these stories, we know more about ourselves, and then we can be more of ourselves in the daily world we live.
We become more honest in our word and our actions. We are humbled when we record, listen, transcribe, edit and put our stories in a book. So Do It. Start the process of publishing your memories and go forth knowing you are a hero.
Publish Your Memories