Creating Connection That Lasts
Feb 19, 2018 | Comments Off on Creating Connection That Lasts

in this world is a difficult thing to do. If we are a business, we need to earn money and make a living to pay ourselves and pay the bills. If we are an employee, this is also true. We have a home to take care of, and in that home, there may be living mates, partners, spouses, older parents, children, and pets (to name just a few). We are busy doing all of these action items to survive. If we don’t, we could find ourselves out on the street.
So much of what we do is rote because we have to do it day in and day out. We can take pleasure in knowing that we can do these things, but more often than not, we turn any mindfulness off just to get out the door and get to work on time.
Life is a slippery slope. Where do we go when we need a friend? Where do we go when we need the strength and courage to create healthier habits, more joy and the willingness to keep on keeping on in our darkest hours?
Whatever works for you, keep doing it. Keep knowing that you are worth taking the time for you – doing what you need to be doing to know that your day to day life means everything to you.
It’s nobody else’s life; it’s yours. And that’s important.
One thing, I’ve learned is that our stories hold the golden nuggets of grace for us if we only listen to these stories. I know because this is what I keep learning in doing this work. My stories reflect back to me my internal strength, grace, and connection in my heart that offers me a laugh, a sigh, a tear, a pat on my back when I need it the most.
I love our stories because they wiggle up from everything that is competing for our attention to say “hello” to us and reconnect with our forgotten heart and soul. Your stories keep connecting you to you and are affirmations into the chaos of the world we live.
So how about this? I want you to get to know me and trust that I can be the keeper of your stories. I’ll be the keeper of your stories and send them back to you in an ebook via an email.
You can keep this ebook in a designated folder that you read from time to time and remember.
So do you have the time to call me? If you have the time to email me and give me sometimes you can talk, I’ll give you a call, or you can give me a call, and I’ll listen to you. I’ll record what you are saying and make a book out of it.
For how much? I’d say, for whatever donation you feel like giving.You need
to trust your stories and I need to tell your stories so you’ll read them. For how long? Let’s start with fifteen minutes of storytelling time with me.
Send me an email –
And I will listen to you tell stories so you can believe the power of reading back what you say.
Much love,