Can You Do This Now?
Aug 16, 2018 | Comments Off on Can You Do This Now?

I had been working on John’s Mom’s book since May 2017. Some books take longer than anticipated, and Rose’s book is one of those situations. John had gotten the proof back to me by the end of July, and I was finishing the final touches when I got an email from John last Saturday saying that Rose had passed away today.
Her life’s celebration is this Sunday. The book won’t be ready even though I worked on it Monday, Tuesday and fast forwarded the printing process. The book will come next Tuesday.
All I can say is that this book is beautiful. It’s a lasting tribute to Rose.
We need each other’s stories so we can be inspired, motivated and moved by them.
I am asking you to go to my Indiegogo Campaign and contribute what you can so that I can continue to hear your stories and put them in a book. My campaign goes until August 24th. And if you have a loved one who has some great stories to tell, then do it now.
I’d appreciate your help.
Sincerely Yours In Love,