Jul 27, 2018 | Comments Off on Beyond

Grant and I made it a point to take in my birthday, my sixtieth year with joy. We took the ferry over from Edmonds to Kingston the same time I took it when I worked at Poulsbo Elementary.
We drove to Hansville, to Point No Point Lighthouse and watched the fishermen trying to catch salmon. We walked the beach and saw Seattle from a distance in the fog. We didn’t look too closely at the large city in the mist. It was irrelevant for today. We stopped at Hansgrill Hansville Grocery for a sit. I had a latte and Grant had Mexican coke and a fudgsicle. It was only ten in the morning, but it seemed like hours. We went back to the main highway and drove to Poulsbo Elementary. Grant couldn’t believe how far I drove every day to school. He asked me if I did this every day? Of course, I did. Tuesday thru Friday for eleven weeks and I have a lovely book from that experience.
We walked downtown Poulsbo and ended up eating at The Loft. The second floor was overlooking their harbor. I had a crab salad that had at least 2 cups of fresh crabmeat for $20.00 I couldn’t believe how much crab there was. Grant had their mixed green salad. We went looking at shops again with the tourist crowd that had grown. We stopped at Sluy’s Bakery and got a Maple Bar and four Cinnamon rolls. We drove back to the ferry terminal and waited for one ferry to get on board. We got home at 4:00 and Katie, my oldest daughter, wanted to know when we were eating at Toyoda’s. I said 5:15 and we met all the family there except for Samantha who had to entertain her business accounts and go out to dinner with them.
It was a lovely sixtieth birthday, and I went to bed early and luxuriously watched the sky grow dark into the night. I woke at my usual five o’clock time frame and chose to go to bed. I didn’t go back to bed; I just lay there with the thought of “There is energy beyond the words, beyond the words, is where I go.” Quite an intriguing phrase to meditate on for a few hours. I knew it wasn’t about being quiet because I know how to be quiet. I know how to be silent and not use words too.
So what is it that I am supposed to take away from these past 24 hours that I can give to you for the weekend?
I discovered what it was when I opened up my Healing Mantras book. I received the answer I give to you now “ Ah Hahm Preh Mah” which means “ I Am Divine Love” and that means you are too. Have a blessed weekend.