Because You Love Them
May 11, 2018 | Comments Off on Because You Love Them

I met a fantastic woman yesterday and read her Mother’s story about her Grandmother coming over from Sweden. Fifty beautiful pages that made me feel I lived her life. I am getting her story into a book. I can’t wait till all of our books fill our community page, and people can read them whenever they want in a pdf form. But I’m jumping ahead of myself. Even if you don’t jump on this great deal, please take the time to record your Mom’s story. Put it in a particular folder somewhere because then you know you’ll always have it. Some of the things my Mom said were funny. So funny, we knew we’d remember her quirky phrases. The sad thing is, we didn’t.
xx Beth
And this comment from my newsletter yesterday from my husband on his farm in Oklahoma.
Yes, once they have passed, never again a ‘touch,’ an ‘I Love You,’ or enjoying Mother’s Day with them.
I get to spend Mother’s Day with my Mom, the same way I did last year.
I go down the road to the grave yard and I set next to her tomb stone and we spend time together.”
~ Grant Lord
Yes, I want to give my Mother and Me This Gift.