Jun 18, 2018 | Comments Off on Ambiguous

We know our fathers, and we don’t. Some of us have great experiences and wonderful relationships and others, not-so-much.
These experiences live within us in a cloud of emotional triggers that get pulled when we don’t know the stories that created us and our belief systems. We use happy and sad, tragic, angry and painful words that describe our emotional memories. These emotional memories live inside us and guide us with courage, love, and momentum or hang us up with self-doubt, lack of faith and victimization.
Your stories are a means of understanding your choices, behaviors, and consciousness. Give yourself a gift of insight by purchasing 60 minutes of time with me. I interview you, your Dad or anyone else. I transcribe the recorded session and hand-craft your words into a book for self-revelation, jubilation, legacy, and love.
I have twenty-five openings at the price of $197.00
Now Accepting 25 People and their stories.
You have up to six months to complete the interview.
Beth ~ OTR/L, GCFP, Writer, Editor, Publisher