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Life moves very fast. We’ve just come out of the Holidays, Celebrated New Year’s, and the race is on. Every day runs. In fact, you have to yank time by its horns to slow it down. We grab a cup of coffee or lunch with a dear friend we haven’t seen for awhile, place likes on our friends’ Facebook postings, meet-up and attend other organizations that help us connect to one another.

But does all the activity give you what you want?


Now’s A Great Time

Now’s A Great Time To Turn Your Stories Into A Book

Because you save 50% on this satisfying process from Write Heart Memories® when you purchase it by Midnight, December 31, 2017.


Name One Person You Will Dearly Miss

Name One Person You Will Dearly Miss This Holiday by Beth Lord

Hard question to answer. There are so many people to miss. I figured out who I miss. Can you?


Contest For Inspiring & Energizing Quotes & Pictures

12-22 to 01-02-18 Contest For Inspiring & Energizing Quotes & Pictures

Do something fun this Holiday Break. Get your family, friends & business partners involved in this great contest. Fabulous way of promoting who you are.


Darkness Derailed by Beth Lord

This time of year is frantic no matter what I do regarding The Holidays, and I should factor this into my scheduling. It is the darkest time in my part of the world - where the smart animals decide to hibernate. I, on the other hand, am running around like a chicken with my head cut-off. Beth feels anxious and trapped in a dark box that has no exit and no light.

Do you feel like you are in a box too?