Accepting A Good-Bye Feeling
Apr 6, 2018 | Comments Off on Accepting A Good-Bye Feeling

My middle daughter Ame calls me. She says “It is raining heavily in Seattle.” She notices many homeless people out in the rain. I say, “yes” because Seattle has many homeless people.
Grant has grilled hamburgers for us to eat. I can barely eat – one eye is tearing up, and my heart is tight with the emotion of pain I am feeling. I am leaving my husband for three months, and I have no idea where this departure is going to take him or me.
Before the grilling of the hamburgers we ended up in a hysterical fight because he wanted to wash the dishes and so did I. We ended up laughing, and this is how we let out the emotion of what both of us are feeling.
Grant tells me he has to be down here. I ask him what he’s going to get done. He doesn’t exactly know.
I tell him he loves being here with his space & aloneness. I know because I had to get over being second fiddle. I had to feel the pain until it moved me into accepting that I am not second fiddle but just that we are different people and have different needs. As I realized this, I accepted myself. I can take care of my needs and be a wife. I can write, and I can feel my feelings, and contribute to my self-expression. And maybe, other people might be helped if they read what I write. I accept Grant because I accept me.
Emotion is a catalyst for a connection to any call-to-action within ourselves and the outer world. Our feelings can be a teacher to adjusting our inner and outer worldview if we acknowledge the emotion until it subsides.
The washing machine is running next to our bedroom. We’ll watch a simple John Wayne movie so we can get up early to go to the airport so I can go to a Woman’s Entrepreneurial Workshop in Arizona.
Telling stories to one another – the good, the bad, the ugly, the scary, the shameful, the funny, the love, the sad and the happy stories connect us with each other. I hope I connect with you if you are reading this. Please know you can share your story with me anytime. xx
Beth Lord & Write Heart Memories®
Growing love and connection thru our published storytelling
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