Who Is Your First?
Aug 3, 2018 | Comments Off on Who Is Your First?

Linda is my first patron on the campaign trail that is going until August 24. I want to thank her very much, and I hope you will be inspired to pass the word along about this campaign I am doing about how to tell your own life story and how to remember your personal history. The overwhelm of taking on a bookmaking project is gone. All you need to do is talk to me over the phone, on zoom or in person. I don’t bite. I ask questions that reveal the joy, love, and beauty of your life stories.
People will listen to you and your stories for a short amount of time. If you hire a biographer to put your stories in a book, it is time-consuming and expensive. But what I do is a storytelling journey into your heart and soul that gets you a book. This engaging book read in an hour or less connects us to the heart of who you are. A book that reaches you, your loved ones or anyone else who wants to read your stories. Yes, your stories matter. Your words are hand-crafted in your beautiful book.
Thank You. ~ Beth